09:30 – 10:30 AM | Breakfast
10:30 – 12:00 AM | 1st workshop phase
- Antifa – between regular job and activism
(Room A 310) - Right-wing populism in Scandinavia (Room A 052)
- CasaPound
(Room EB 222) - Racial Profiling
(Room EB 223)
12:30 – 02:00 PM | 2nd workshop phase
- “Nazifrei revisited” – experiences, problems and perspectives of blockade alliances.
(Room EB 224) - The Extreme Right in Hungary? Tendencies of Fascization in the Parliament and Society
(Room A 310) - Right consensus and left helplessness? The Coburg Convent and the protests against it
(Room A 052) - Crisis and the Extreme Right in Austria
(Room EB 222) - Fighting back, smashing, glittering away. Developing the Antifa with Feminism
(Room EB 223)