Category Archives: program

Antifascist Politics of Memory and the Future of Remembrance

With Steffen Kreuseler (Berlin), Istoreco (Institute for the History of the Resistenza in the District of Reggio Emilia)

To keep the memory of the Nazi-crimes and the victims of their murderous politics of extermination alive and to defend and cherish the legacy of antifascist resistance has always been a central aspect of antifascist politics of memory. But less and less survivors and resistance-fighters can still actively pass on their lessons and warnings to the younger generations. Without their voices, the culture of remembrance threatens to drift even further to the right. The debates on the places of remembrance and the reoccurring belittlement of the concentration camps by comparing them to the internment camps of the allies shows how devastating the loss of their voices in the political discourse really is. Furthermore, for us antifascists the encounters with those who were persecuted by, who survived, and who fought against the Nazis, were often decisive experiences that led to our engagement. This workshop is a platform to share experiences and exchange ideas on the future of antifascist politics of memory.