Category Archives: General

Fighting back, smashing, glittering away. Developing the Antifa with Feminism

“Antifa heisst Angriff” (“Antifa means attack”) is a well-known slogan of the Antifa movement. But who or what is attacked there, actually? Sexism, trans* hate and macho behavior? Anti-feminist tendencies in society? Or, finally, ‘only’ the Nazi next door? We want to speak about this and other interesting things in a short talk. We explain why we think “Antifa” has to mean more than restricting Nazi’s scope of action. We illustrate why we have to begin with ourselves if we want to fight discrimination. Afterwards we want to discuss the following questions with you: In what way are emotions an important spark for our work? How can feminist initiatives and antifa-groups network and co-operate better, for instance regarding the annual christian fundamentalist, anti-feminist “Marsch für das Leben” (March for Life)? In what way must (queer-) feminist struggles become a regular part of the work of antifa-groups? We don’t have final answers to these questions. From our point of view there can’t be final answers anyway. So even more we would like to talk and discuss with you and hear your answers (and questions?) about this.