Author Archives: lebendiger widerstand

Homophobic movement in France and the Front National under Marine Le Pen

After the socialist President of France redeemed his promise of introducing same-sex marriage months of protest followed. While the conservative UMP fought against this draft bill in the parliament and courts, a wide coalition from churches to right wing groups organized protests on the streets, which on its climax in April 2013 mobilized more than a million people to Paris. It is still a minority of the whole society as surveys show, but a good organized one. The Front National is part of this. Its leader Marine Le Pen stands for a modern right populism in France, a right populism which, beside agitation against same-sex marriage, turns against a lingering islamization of France and the EU and which does not need recivilization of the holocaust anymore. The Front Nation is not the same as it was under Jean-Marie Le Pen before and is successful this way. It only reached a countrywide average of 5% in the municipal election two weeks ago, but it could get more mayors offices and is driving the conservative UMP and the socialist party.