Author Archives: lebendiger widerstand

Antifra? Refugee Self-Organization and Antifa

Since the protest march from Würzburg to Berlin in the late summer of 2012 there have been many demonstrations of solidarity with the refugees and their struggles; media attention too is greater than ever. But self-organized refugee-initiatives are not only fighting against the racist camp- and deportation regime in Germany and the EU since then. Therefore, we would like to start off with a short overview of the history of the antiracist-movement. Thereafter, we want to trace the origins of the current self-organized protest on Oranienplatz in Berlin and give an insight into the preparations for the protest march from Strasbourg to Brussels in late May. Afterwardswe would like todiscusswith youthe connections betweenanti-racistandanti-fasciststruggles, how they werereceived inthe past, whatcan be derived fromthis experiencefor a future commonpractice andwhatentirely newperspectives on a common practice might look like.