Author Archives: lebendiger widerstand

History and successes of the Antifa movement.

Back in 1945 the origins of Antifa movement were mainly in Italy. In the federal state of Germany, the Antifa, which was founded 1980, was based on the autonomous and squatter scene. First and foremost the main task was to protect the own projects and prospective victims of Neo-Nazism against right-wing violence, in the course of the 1990s antifacism became the main task within the autonomous scene. Pushed trough the founding of the “Autonome Antifa M” from Göttingen and the consolidation of different groups in AA/BO (Antifaschistische Aktion / Bundesweite Organisation) a spate of different organizations within the Antifa movement started which last till today. Together we want to discuss when and how non-parliamentary and antifascist policy became influential. What have been the impulse, which made us spotty successful? Which failure have been made? What can we learn from our own history, to avoid the same mistakes in future? We want to focus on different basic approches of organization to class it temporal and social.