Author Archives: lebendiger widerstand

The resistible rise of the Golden Dawn

In the course of the far-reaching crisis and the ensuring austerity measures dictated to the Greek government by the Troika, Greece has to deal with dramatic impoverishment. The medical health system is destroyed by the grave savings which lead to mass-impoverishment. Two years ago the social-democratic conservative government started to relentlessly campaign against „illegal immigrants“ by tightening the border regime and having the police haunt after „illegal immigrants“ in many citys. In the course of these campaign „Chrysi Avgí“ (golden aurora), raised from a small party to a parliamentary successful one. Through the streets terror they became a threatening force. At least since the murder of the antifascist musician Pavlos Fyssas it is clear, how close the connection between the streets terror and the parliamentary work is.
Golden aurora got in the defensive and now was forced onto state repression.
It seems like the party is recovering at the moment. Racism isn’t confined to fascism groups – not in Greece or else where – but compatible with the bulk of the population. How became this attitude compatible with society and how can possible perspectives against the golden aurora and all racist excess look like? This question we want to discuss with „Apostolos Kapsalis“ from Athens.