Author Archives: lebendiger widerstand

Antifacism in the Crisis?!

In course of the the last thirty years, the antifacist movement in germany has developed to one of the central leftist, social movements. The experiences of the pogromes and arson attacks of Hoyerswerda, Lichtenhagen, Mölln and Solingen and the following governmental and medial campaign against the right of asylum have shaped a whole generation. As at the turn of the century the struggle against “ right-wing extremism” became governmental policy, many turned their activism into their field of work and made a living in the oficial programmes. Even if the consequences of the economic crisis in Germany aren’t by far as hard-hitting as in southern Europe, the antifacist movement still has to face big challenges. In addition to the neo-nazi National Democratic Party (NPD) other right-wing populistic Parties try to establish themselves. From the “Sarrazin-Debate” to discusions around the “broke-greeks” a racist crisis-narrative has gained influence and provides the basis for the electoral success of the “Alternative for Germany” (AFD) and others. Right-wing campaigns against refugee housings grow more dangerous. With that said we want to invite you to a common discussion about the present condition, the controversies and the perspectives of the antifacist movement.