Author Archives: lebendiger widerstand

Antifa is too important to leave it with criticism. – perspectives of anti sexist Antifa-policy –

The editor collective of the book “Fantifa. Feminist perspectives on antifascist policy”, which was published in 2013, wrote in their introduction:
“… even though the left-wing or antifascist scene acts out dominant male, there is readiness signaled to bring the own sexist way of thinking and acting into question as well as changing them. This book should also motivate to do so, because there’s still a lot to be done.” (p.6)

We would like to link to this with our workshop, dealing with the anti sexist critique of and in the antifascist scene as well as focusing on the question of how roles of the sexes are distributed and what is the thing about the construction of manhood in the scene: What is manhood anyway? What is it about Antifa policy that it’s especially popular by young men? Why are there ratios of suppression even in the Antifa? Do female socialized people first have to assume male connoted ways of acting to bee acknowledged in the scene?
In addition to a stocktaking we would like to reflect on current problems critically and solidary with you. Furthermore we would like to exchange experience with you and what’s more, discuss and develop concrete ways of acting with you and how we put anti sexist Antifa policy into action.