Author Archives: lebendiger widerstand

NSU and Antifa. What’s next?

Many Antifascist were aphasic in the face of the series of murders by NSU, the daily disclosure of right-wing terror and the action of german investigative authority. Last but not least the revelation of all things which had been done by the secret agency scoffs at all conspiracy theories.
Even on the part of the Antifa there were too less critical requesting; or to say it in other words not enough right questions have been asked in the last two years by the Antifa because of disregarding their own warnings about armed Groups of Nazis.

This workshop is not about the complex NSU or to comment on all the facts we know by now; but focusing the question about the consequences the Antifa should take from the series of murder by NSU. In which direction should we be running? Improving the investigation to build on our own knowledge? Call for the abolition of the interior secret agency? Focusing on the structural racism of police and prosecution? Stand up for a non-governmental documentation and monitoring center?
Approach and reinforce the contact to migrants communities?