Author Archives: lebendiger widerstand

Current racist mobilization in Europe, the extreme right and the EU elections

It is obvious: nationalism and racism are everywhere in Europe. Even the
European Committee against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) notes a
dramatic increase in racism in the wake of the euro crisis. The open
violence and the success of fascist movements such as Chrysi Avgi
(“Golden Dawn”) in Greece or Jobbik in Hungary are only a particularly
visible and brutal dimension of this development.

Before the elections to the European Parliament in late May 2014 put
everywhere on the continent extreme right-wing parties themselves in
position. To utilize the advantage of the situation to strengthen its
political influence in the face of the euro crisis and its social
impact. Thus, the anti-Semitic and extreme-right Front National by
Marine Le Pen and the Dutch right-wing populist by Geert Wilders forge
an alliance against Europe. In the UK, the UKIP rushes against migrants
are and calls the exit of the country from the European Union. In
Poland, formed after the model of the Hungarian Jobbik, a neo-fascist
movement of hooligans and extreme right.

Speakers from France, Greece, Hungary and Sweden report on the current
situation in their countries and discuss how the rightward shift can be
countered. With Anna Maria Artner (economist / Hungary), tba (Activist
Le Horde / France), Cordelia Hess (Historian / Sweden), Apostolos
Kapsalis (sociologist / Greece).