Author Archives: lebendiger widerstand

Racial profiling

Be it a semi-prominent politician who gets called „n****“ while getting controlled but is able to attract some publicity afterwards. Be it just one of your friends who is not able to get into the club as it happens every weekend in every bigger city. Racial profiling is the selective controlling of people of color without reasonable suspicion mostly but not only by the police. It hits a broad array of people who happen to have the wrong skin color and get controlled for no other reasons. But rarely does it create such publicity as in the case of Daniel Mack (see taz, 31.10.2013). But most of the time it just happen seemingly invisible with no public outcry when the doorman says that there is no more space for your black friend in the Disco.

In the workshop we want to discuss recent developments around racial profiling with activists from Germany, France and Sweden. We want to hear and learn about strategies against racial profiling, we want do discuss problems and limitations of the protest against it. We want to compare and discuss perspectives and likely trends.